Yesterday we had a

First we made these tea party hats
that I saw on Design Mom.

It was a wonderful time.
Everyone acted like ladies.
I think we'll start a tradition.

First we made these tea party hats
that I saw on Design Mom.
It was a wonderful time.
Everyone acted like ladies.
I think we'll start a tradition.
(wait for it)
this is my mask...
What is it?
humiliating, that's what.
We took them outside and she started to cry harder and harder. Big, real tears. Macy has always been an emotional child, but this was more than her little heart could bear. We sat on the grass for a long time while she told them all a heartfelt goodbye. When I opened the jars and they flew out, she had a look on her face that was priceless. It was pure joy and anguish at the same time. She was shouting:
"Good bye little buddies, fly away and find a new home. I'll miss you little buddies."
I might just tear up thinking about it. It was the sweetest thing.
One of the many things that is so fabulous about Macy is how she loves with her whole heart.