My sister keeps telling me I should post about this. So here I am.
All my children are well aware of the latest and most awesome technology.
We just don't have any. ANY.
No ipad
No iphone (or any like it)
No gaming systems*
No Mac for Photobooth.
Scott likes to say, we don't own an i-anything.
(He's wrong, I own the original ipod shuffle. BOOM!)
Grandmas do. And aunts and uncles do. Friends do.
They watch everyone playing Angry Birds and Plants V. Zombies. They play too.
But when we are home alone, living the deprived and lonely low-tech life, Macy will sometimes take my phone to play "calender". What? You've never played it? It's easy, really. You pull up the calender on my Samsung and you shuffle through the calender year, looking for important dates, like your own birthday.
It satisfies her needs. And so it does mine.
*Macy reminds me, we are like the only people in the whole entire world without a Wii !!!