Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fun to the Run

We mixed things up a little bit this year.
Our primary usually puts on a Pioneer Parade on the 24th of July.
This year we had the first annual Pioneer Haul.
One mile walk/run.
This is serious.

Not to boast, but Abe totally took 1st in the stroller division!
I was at the Start/Finish Line, but Scott tells me the ladies ran the whole way.  Other than the much needed rest at the "Aid Station".  Naturally.
I'm officially calling it a success!


Nan said...

I was so sad we had to miss this! I hope it becomes an annual event. Way to go Abe. FIRST PLACE!

Tanner's Tales said...

I love the boy next to Polly. He is serious about this race thing.