Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Manly man

I got (unbeknownst to me) a flat tire the other day. Do men stare at all tires of all cars as they walk by? Not at man I know would miss a flat tire. Is it just me who would walk right by a flat tire without a glance or do you laides out there stare at tires too? Not me, I say. If I'm looking toward the ground I'm staring at shoes. Other women's of course, but as of late I'm staring at my own new fabulous boots. Thanks Piperlime, I heart you. What kinds of things catch your eye, ladies?
My manly man of a husband (he makes me call him that) changed it for me and the girls were thrilled to see their manly dad in action.


Unknown said...

I hear you on that one. All the men I know are always keeping an eye out on tires. I am like you shoes catch my eye first. And if not shoes, surely there are many other things I look at before the tires. Thank goodness for manly men!! Otherwise we would be driving around on flat tires, but sporting amazing shoes while doing it.

Hayley said...

I just want to see some pics of the boots Amanda!

Mortons Love said...

yes, I will be sure to take a picture of the boots. I will post them in a future blog. Maybe I'll make a post just for them.

Michelle said...

Amanda...Guess who?
I love that I can see you and your family. The Girls are so cute!!! Love the red hair.

jordan said...

yeah, I'll leave the tire watching for Matt and the shoe watching for me. it's best that way.